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However, they can be compared to another paradoxical group - human beings. Essential oils are aromatic. What Enables PURE Essential Oils to Provide Such Incredible Benefits? Essential oils are chemically very heterogenetic; meaning they are very diverse in their effects and can perform several different functions.Essential oils were were mankind's first medicine. For example, a man can play many roles such as father, husband, friend, co-worker, accountant, school teacher, scout master, etc. Essential oils contain oxygen molecules which help to transport nutrients to the starving human cells. Essential oils are lipid soluble and are capable of penetrating cell walls, even if they have hardened because of an oxygen deficiency. They prevent all mutations, work as free radical scavengers, prevent fungus, and prevent oxidation in the cells. These oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Essential oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and viruses while simultaneously restoring balance to the body. PLEASE NOTE: The information in this article is based solely on the use of 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils due to their high quality and tested purity. From Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, we know that priests and physicians have been using essential oils for thousands of years.
Also present in the limbic system of the brain is a gland called the amygdala. Because a nutritional deficiency is an oxygen deficiency, disease begins when the cells lack oxygen for proper nutrient assimilation. In fact, essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and are then metabolized like other nutrients. Here is the seat of our sexuality, the impulse of attraction and aversion, our motivation and our moods, our memory and creativity, as well as our autonomic nervous system. The use of a brand of uncertain quality and/or purity will provide you with potentially dangerous, if not lethal, results.
Anything less than pure, may not produce the desired results and can, in some cases, be extremely toxic. They are the immune defense properties of plants and are so small in molecular size that they can quickly penetrate the tissues of the skin.. The statements about these oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Essential oils have a bio-electrical frequency that is several times greater than the frequency of herbs, food, and even the human body. In beginning your journey into the realm of aromatherapy and essential oils it is very important to use only the purest oils available. Today modern science is rediscovering the wisdom of the ancients.. Essential oils are antibacterial, anti-cancerous, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-microbial, anti- tumorial, China Double Shower Curtain Rod for sale anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and antiseptic. This gives essential oils a paradoxical nature which can be difficult to understand. By providing the needed oxygen, essential oils also work to stimulate the immune system. Within the limbic system resides the regulatory mechanism of the innermost core of our being. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals. Synthetic chemicals are completely opposite in that they basically only have one action.
So now, with Aromatherapy and essential oils, we are able access the amygdala to release emotional trauma. Clinical research has shown than essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the human body, restoring it to its normal healthy level. Essential oils containing sesquiterpenes have the ability to pass the blood brain barrier, enabling them to be effective in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.The only way to stimulate this gland is with fragrance or the sense of smell.Essential oils fragrances pass on to the limbic system of the brain without being registered by the cerebral cortex. What Benefits do PURE Essential Oils Provide? Essential Oils are regenerating and oxygenating. Essential oils are very powerful antioxidants. Because the limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, essential oils can have some very profound physiological and psychological effects. In 1989 it was discovered that the amygdala plays a major role in the storing and releasing of emotional trauma. Essential oils help promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Essential oils may detoxify the cells and blood in the body. Lavender for example can be used for burns, insect bites, headaches, PMS, insomnia, stress, and so forth. Essential oils are able to reach deep into the recesses of our brains, cross over the chemical barriers, and open the hidden channels within our minds and bodies. When diffused, they provide air purification by: removing metallic particles and toxins from the air, increasing atmospheric oxygen, increasing ozone and negative ions in the area, which inhibits bacterial growth; destroying odors from mold, cigarettes, and animals.and so it is with essential oils
The corrosion resistance of depends on the steel alloy element contained. Since the emergence of stainless steel jewelry, stainless steel jewelry has been popular among the mass.Stainless Steel Jewelry is a kind of very special metal jewelry, it’s very strong and extremely resistant to corrosion, it won’t oxidized black like silver or cause allergies like copper jewelry, nor be poisonous like alloy jewelry contained lead, stainless steel jewelry always keep its own natural color in the normal condition. Also as people know that, this protection is only a layer oxide membrane. Stainless steel jewelry is all the same from inside to outside; it has passed the test of artificial sweat test. It can be Curved Shower Curtain Rod Factory say that stainless steel jewelry is a green environmental protection high-end wholesale jewelry which is entirely on the human body does not produce any side effects and no harm. Unfortunately, if the oxide membrane was destroyed, all the metals oxidation continues indefinitely, and expanding the rust, finally forming holes.
In addition to chromium, the common alloy elements also have nickel, molybdenum, Titanium Jewelry, niobium, copper, nitrogen, etc.Owing to the reason known to all the metal can react with the oxygen in the atmosphere, and formed a layer oxide membrane on the surface. They can meet the requirements of variety of uses, to the properties of stainless steel.
Stainless steel is a modern material; it has more than sixty years development.Making fashion jewelry into stainless steel has to go through several work procedures, after casting, line cutting, stamping, rough finishing, grinding and polishing processes, still need supported by variety of shading treatment effect, such as high frequency, high pulse technology, fine shading etching; hydraulic shading process, hollowed-out etching and high-temperature enamel surface protection technology. Stainless steel can play to the surface performance with stainless steel itself inherent, without the surface treatment of plating. But we can use paint or oxidation resistance metals (for example Zinc, nickel and chromium) electroplating, and make sure the surface of jewelry is not easy to oxidize. Chromium is the essential elements which stainless steel resisted corrosion. Here are advantage features of stainless steel jewelry, it completely non-corrosive, resistant to acid and alkali, it won’t be discolor and fading, has no allergies, no deformation, and it’s hard, bright. As the name shows, it is not easy to rust; it also has perfect surface and corrosion resistance. Its corrosion resistance, toughness and weld ability will increase with the increase of chromium content, the ability of resistance to chloride corrosion is better than other types of stainless steel.Stainless steel is a high alloy steel, it can provide anti-corrosion
After a few hours of training and rehearsal, they donned white face, saris and kurtas over their shorts and T-shirts. What is out of sight and out of mind for most of us is the amazing performances mounted in the temporarily cleared spaces of communities to entertain while projecting responses to social issues.You may have seen white face pantomime actors in Republic Day parades, Delhiites might even have seen them at the annual Trade Fair presenting skits on health and public safety, but the day in, day out performances of the Jagran Community Pantomime Theatre Company takes up hard core issues of sexual abuse, combating corruption, promoting literacy, health and more, to change hearts and minds.With Arijit at the microphone giving a running commentary as needed, a few skits are performed typically covering the trauma of spousal physical abuse, sexual abuse generally and the victimization of youth by drug use.
The regular performances around Jahangirpuri draw a crowd of men and women of Shower curtain Bar all ages with the dholki player’s percussion pulling in crowds as has been done in rural India over ages.The writer is a respected exponent of Odissi, Manipuri and Mayurbhanj and Seraikella Chau whose four-decade career in India was preceded by 17 years of modern dancend ballet in the US and an MA in dance from the University of Michigan. The "doctor" aged 12, showed how the surgery works with a three foot eye on a panel, from which he removed a scarf covering the "iris".Success, happiness, recovered eyesight, the message that an operation costs only Rs 1,000 was a spectacular way for school children to perform community social service and relate to people outside their customary bubble zone.I can never forget one hilarious skit portraying a corrupt local shopkeeper hoarding rations from frustrated locals carrying empty plastic jugs yet always faced with the "out of stock" sign posted.An effective performance stimulates discussion afterwards amongst family and friends that plants the seeds of change.
When Aloka’s Parkinson’s advanced to the point where he could no longer manage Jagran, his son Arijit gave up his career in the United Kingdom to keep this importance pantomime dance-theatre work going. Thinking of the national Skills Development, initiated by Dilip Chenoy and expanded by the government across the country, Jagran and other such community street theatre companies in every state could offer a similarly viable livelihood program for performers while educating communities. With a focus on development communication, the actors themselves are recruited from slum clusters.We all know that societal changes can’t happen overnight but they always begin with consciousness raising.P, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Maharashtra have seen their work while Delhi is their base. The dholak drew a sizeable crowd to a nearby open space where they acted out the failure of an elderly woman to judge the winner of kite competition because of eye cataract. in Television and Video for Development from the University of Reading, United Kingdom, combined with growing up observing the challenges and successes of Jagran, enabled him to this work.Sutradhar Arijit interjects questions to the audience, especially children, to respond to the negative actions and what action to consider. In fact, the methodology and structure of Jagran’s performances has been developed over 50 years to create a communication without any language barrier.A. It is a model that can be replicated anywhere in India, and abroad.A few more hilarious examples of the difficulty of seeing got her children to take her for cataract surgery.A play about women’s safety at Maurya Enclave in Delhi.The visual impact of performing arts leaves a lasting impact that words alone cannot convey
The forerunner of the KGB, the NKVD, obtained Goldfus’ birth certificate. It could criss-cross the Soviet Union at will. The Russian Premier showed no special interest. Shooting safty grab bars through seven glass encased windows in the belly of the U-2, the camera recorded everything along a 3,500 km (2,700 mile) course up to 200 km (125 miles) wide, and it could provide up to 4,000 pairs of stereoscopic photographs. It was a cold and grey October and we were wearing overcoats.The Americans tested their first fusion or hydrogen bomb on March 1, 1954.The Russian illegals programme and America’s U-2 programme intersected for a moment when the two exchanged spies passed each other on February 10, 1962 on the Glienicke Bridge outside Potsdam. How many "sleepers" the KGB had installed in the West can never be known. All he said was he was glad to hear it and hoped we would make ‘good use of it against the Japanese’.The U-2 spy plane programme was a great mission as it involved America’s great technical prowess and project management abilities. Johnson gave them the Lockheed U-2, nicknamed "Dragon Lady", a single-jet engine, ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft capable of day and night, high-altitude (70,000 feet) and all-weather intelligence gathering.
The Russians kept prying on America with human intelligence, the leading edge of this being the illegals programme. It was also known as the RDS-6S, or Second Idea Bomb. The first nuclear test was still a well-kept secret. They were ready in four years.The Russian climaxed this race with the Tsar Bomba, which was the largest, most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever detonated. Both were symbols of two great and successful spy operations undertaken by the two powers. The U-2 was basically a XF-104 (an early Starfighter) with extended wings that stretched 103 feet and large fuel tanks, and highly sophisticated cameras. It ran for six seasons. This was the period before satellite reconnaissance and when both alliances were at hair-trigger nuclear alert and round-the-clock bomber patrols.Glienicke Bridge is a bridge across the Havel River in Germany, connecting Berlin’s Wannsee district with Brandenburg’s capital Potsdam."But Stalin knew, and the Russians were getting a good deal of information from Project Manhattan. Castle Bravo was the first in a series of high-yield thermonuclear weapon design tests conducted by the United States at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. So it went to Lockheed’s legendary aircraft designer, Kelly Johnson, for help. It was detonated on October 30, 1961. This is equivalent to 10 times the amount of all the explosives used in World War II combined. Truman chose to tell Stalin only that the US possessed "a new weapon of unusual destructive force". This was later made into the film Bridge of Spies, directed by Steven Spielberg, with Tom Hanks as the lawyer, and James Donovan as the man who facilitated the exchange. He is believed to be the agent who handled the "atomic spies", Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and Vivian Fuchs, who worked on Project Manhattan, the super-secret American nuclear bomb programme in Los Alamos.Abel was a Russian "illegal", meaning a Russian agent with a false but artfully created legend. The 36-inch focal length lens resolved features as small as 2. The Americans, shut out by a police state, sought to achieve their objectives by technological means.
The RDS-6S layer cake design was detonated on August 12, 1953, producing a yield of 400 kilotons, about 10 times more powerful than any previous Soviet test.The writer, a policy analyst studying economic and security issues, held senior positions in government and industry. Little was known about what was happening behind this "Iron Curtain", and with the bomb-building frenzy creating a huge trust void with both sides seeking information about the other and its intentions. He also specialises in the Chinese economy. Incidentally, the US still operates the U-2, 71 years after it entered service. The real Goldfus had died at only 14 months, having been born on August 2, 1902, in New York. It is named after the nearby Glienicke Palace.In the same year the Russian nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov developed a design for a layered fission-fusion-fission bomb and called it the "sloika", or layered cake. The first Soviet atomic test was codenamed Pervaya Moiniya — or First Lightning — and took place at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan on August 29, 1949. The pilot, Gary Powers, baled out as the crippled U-2 came down towards earth and was captured by the Russians. The device was the most powerful nuclear device detonated by the United States and its first lithium deuteride-fuelled thermonuclear weapon and had a yield of 15 megatons.
The series The Americans, which scored big in the Emmy awards recently, is about a group of Russian-Americans "illegals" operating in the United States. As the conference was winding down, the hosts asked the Indian team if there was anything particular we wanted to do before leaving for India, and the Chief and I suggested a visit to the Glienicke Bridge, where the first great spy exchange took place between the US and the Soviet Union.Rudolf Abel entered America with a genuine birth certificate, a forged draft card and a forged tax certificate, all under the name of Emil Robert Goldfus, along with $1,000.At the Potsdam Conference, however, President Harry S. The Russians, wartime allies of the US, were kept so well abreast of the programme that when the Trinity explosion was triggered off at Alamogordo on July 16, 1945, the allied leaders were scheduled to meet at Potsdam for a conference the following week. Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel won the Oscar for the supporting role in 2016.The first spy exchange took place in February 1962, when the Americans and Russians exchanged Col. It was a three-stage hydrogen bomb with a yield of about 50 megatons.But Rudolf Abel was clearly at the top of the pyramid. Rudolf Abel of the KGB for Maj. The illegals programme was the jewel in the crown of Soviet intelligence operations. Many of the illegals were "sleepers", who would be woken up when a job was required to be done and required their expertise and skills.5 feet. The Russians could only watch helplessly. Then suddenly, out of the blue, a U-2 mission from Peshawar overflying Russia and to land at Bodoe in Norway was shot down over Sverdlovsk in Russia. The design was very similar to the first US "Fat Man" plutonium bomb, using a TNT/hexogen implosion lens design. Francis "Gary" Powers of the CIA. The Americans codenamed it as "Joe 1".The CIA wanted a plane that the Russians couldn’t see or track, let alone shoot down. Based on this, a complete identity was created with superbly forged documents to support a carefully crafted timeline. When the onset of the Cold War and when a near-impenetrability separated the West from the Soviet Union, which was best defined by Winston Churchill’s "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an ‘Iron Curtain’ has descended across the Continent". It was just the right setting for spies coming in from the cold. The star of this was the U-2 programme. This was Truman’s account: "On July 24 I casually mentioned to Stalin that we had a new weapon of unusual destructive force. The Soviets were more focused on American technologies, while the Americans were focused on Soviet intentions and military dispositions..The U-2s flew from bases at Hakodate in Japan, Peshawar in Pakistan and Lanark in Cyprus, and ranged over Russia since 1957.In the autumn of 2010, Vikram Sood, retired RAW chief, and myself were in a conference at Potsdam organised by the Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung. It usually started with a visit to cemeteries to search for identities of boys or girls who died early and to match the age of the agent
The marijuana industry certainly has been on the receiving end of legal threats from other companies that do have trademark and patent protection. — APSnoop Dogg has his own line of marijuana.Hundreds of marijuana-related patents have likely been requested by the US Patent and Trademark Office, according to those who work in the industry. So does Willie Nelson. And last year, Hershey Co.Pot companies are also filing state-level trademarks, thereby avoiding the snag in a federal trademark application: the requirement that the mark is used in interstate commerce, which remains off-limits for pot companies. Patents and trademarks are largely regulated by the federal government, which considers marijuana an illegal drug and therefore ineligible for any sort of legal protection. Cease-and-desist letters aren’t uncommon in the mailboxes of marijuana companies, whether it’s for making a candy that looks like a non- intoxicating brand, or for selling a type of pot that includes a trademarked word or phrase in its name.
The result is a Wild West environment of marijuana entrepreneurs trying to stake claims and establish cross-state markets using a patchwork of state laws. Both pot companies agreed to stop selling the products and destroy any remaining inventory. And people in the business are relying on a patchwork of state-level laws to try to stake claims and establish cross-state markets.Marijuana producers are also claiming everything they can that doesn’t involve actual weed.“The use of our trademarks in connection with drugs tarnishes the Girl Scouts name,” the organisation says in the letter it says it has sent to pot sellers primarily in California.A store manager shows some of the products available in the marijuana line marketed by rapper Snoop Dogg in one of the marijuana chain’s outlets in Denver.The Girl Scouts of the USA, for example, says it has sent dozens of cease-and-desist letters to those selling a popular strain of pot known as Girl Scout Cookies, or another called Thin Mints. But generally speaking there is broad agreement within the patent law community that they will,” said Eric Greenbaum, director of intellectual property for Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc.”The pot industry’s makeshift branding efforts, from celebrity names on boxes of weed to the many weed-themed T-shirts and stickers common in towns with a legal marijuana market, show the industry taking Grab bars factory halting steps toward the mainstream., which is seeking a patent for a strain of marijuana to treat seizures that it has developed in Minnesota. Melissa Etheridge has a marijuana-infused wine.
The result is that consumers have no way of knowing that celebrity-branded pot is any different than what they could get in a plastic baggie from a corner drug dealer. But the industry can’t use those same laws to protect its own brands.”“They haven’t issued a single patent yet. “We’re in a new industry, where the benefits of federal protection aren’t open to us,” said John Lord, CEO of LivWell, a 10-store chain of Colorado marijuana shops. Snoop Dogg calls his eight strains of weed “DANK FROM THE DOGGFATHER HIMSELF.” Nelson’s yet-to-be-released line says the pot is “born of the awed memories of musicians who visited Willie’s bus after a show. Problem is, those weed brands aren’t much more substantial than the labels they’re printed on.As the fast-growing marijuana industry emerges from the black market and starts looking like a mainstream industry, there’s a scramble to brand and trademark pot products.
In Colorado, for example, there are nearly 700 trade names and 200 trademarks registered that include the word “marijuana” or a synonym, Kamin said.A store manager shows some of the products available in the marijuana line marketed by rapper Snoop Dogg in one of the marijuana chain’s outlets in Denver. So far federal authorities have either ignored or rejected marijuana patent and trademark requests, as in the 2010 case of a California weed-delivery service that applied to trademark its name “The Canny Bus. So a pot company could trademark its logo, or patent a process for packaging something, without mentioning that the “something” is marijuana. — AP BRAISED-PEPPER-LAMB--resize.Companies like Ligand are betting that if marijuana becomes nationally legal, they’ll be first in line to claim legal ownership of whichever type of marijuana they’ve already developed..“You can’t go into federal court to get federal benefits if you’re a drug dealer,” said Sam Kamin, a University of Denver law professor who tracks marijuana law. That doesn’t mean that the pot business isn’t trying.The celebrity endorsements are just the latest attempt to add cachet to a line of weed
They were tongue-tied but the discontent kept simmering. The Supreme Court was feted for saving democracy by reducing the period to one day. Ramesh Kumar disqualified 17 rebel MLAs.R. Kumaraswamy admitted after losing the confidence vote, "I am sorry if you (Speaker) are hurt by our action. For forming a post-poll coalition, time is required as every party or its leader need to talk to other parties and legislators as to how the coalition can be formed and on which conditions they will extend support. Even this afternoon, I tried to persuade rebels, but I failed as my friends ditched me.D. If MPs/MLAs sell themselves, people can take them to task in the next election.
It is an irony that in the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan, who shunned power for loftier ideals and fortifying people’s power, state power has come to signify the highest goal of democracy. How is it possible? Since the Indian polity is touching the cesspool of degradation, talks or negotiations with other parties mean only one thing — buying legislators. Many MLAs were not able to gulp this sudden volte-face by the Congress high command. Democracy has come to mean nothing but elections. It appears that even Siddaramaiah, Congress leader and former chief minister, could not accept it in his heart — he has not vacated the chief minister’s bungalow till date. However, Mr Ramesh Kumar has retrieved some respectability by disqualifying the rebel MLAs on the eve of the trust vote." The filibustering did not work, though it continued for six days. Since the governor’s credibility is at a premium, every decision of his/her is viewed with suspicion. But unfortunately, the people are divided on narrow considerations. There was absolutely no reason for the Speaker to procrastinate on the resignations of the rebel MLAs after they met him personally. The moral fibre of society has gone down, and that is the real worry. If the election throws up a hung Assembly or Parliament, there are only two options — go for another election, which cannot guarantee an absolute majority for any party or coalition, or form a coalition government. On July 11, the Supreme Court gave a direction to the Speaker to meet the 10 MLAs by 6 pm that day and take a decision on their resignations, "forthwith or in the course of the remaining part of the day" — but the next day it pressed the pause button, asking the Speaker to refrain from deciding on their resignations for the time being.Actually, the JD(S)-Congress government was lame duck right from the beginning as the coalition was hitched in a jiffy by the Congress high command only to keep the BJP out. Mr Kumaraswamy’s admission makes it abundantly clear that the Speaker danced to his tune. Jharkhand has become a corridor for reaching the Rajya Sabha for outsiders.
Many moneybags have gone to the Upper House of Parliament from this state. The law is unconstitutional in the sense that it completely stifles the freedom of expression of legislators. They may have to formulate a common minimum programme. Politics needs to be disabused of the insatiable lust for power. The Supreme Court did not restrain the governor from inviting anyone to form the government, but after Mr Yeddyurappa got the invitation and he formed the government, the court asked him to prove his majority in just one day.It is surprising that the Supreme Court, which worked with exemplary speed to stop the alleged horse-trading by asking Mr Yeddyurappa, the chief minister, to prove his majority within one day, forcing him to resign, remained an onlooker on the unseemly drama which continued for 18 days.S. Such partisan behaviour on the part of Speakers invites judicial intervention, and then they cry hoarse over judicial overreach.
Mr Kumaraswamy refused to read the writing on the wall and faced the ignominy of facing defeat on the floor of the House. Democracy means the rule of the people, and elected representatives are accountable to them. However, the three-week-long crisis in the state may be remembered for an oculo-cephalic reflex, where the eyes remained fixated on the chief minister’s chair.The curtain is finally down on the nataka in Karanataka, with B. However, if the leader of a particular party announces support to any leader or party, it is not considered immoral or undemocratic. Subsequently, the court refused to give any direction about holding the confidence vote within a timeframe, but crippled the Speaker by ruling that the rebel MLAs cannot be forced to attend the session. Support was extended to the JD(S), the smaller party, without soliciting the opinion of MLAs who had campaigned against the JD(S), besides the BJP. Yeddyurappa winning the trust vote. His victory was a forgone conclusion after the H. Leaders from the state have sold even Lok Sabha tickets.. The polity touched a new low and all the euphuisms about the role of the governor or that of the Supreme Court — whether any direction can be given to the Speaker — proved to be humbug as H.The governor issued directions twice to the Speaker to wholesale Shower Curtains hold the floor test but the chief minister as well the Speaker conveniently ignored them.Becoming MPs/MLAs and grabbing power has become the be-all and end-all of politics. The Anti-Defection Act has made the party leaders dictators — as wholesale is allowed, but not retail. It is true that I did try to postpone the trust vote.It may be pertinent to mention that leaders sold themselves out first, and MPs/MLAs followed suit.It needs to be understood that democracy can saved by the people alone, not by the judiciary. So the governor allowing 15 days to Mr Yeddyurappa was seen as partisan, giving him enough time to cobble up a majority by engineering defections in other parties. Thus, the leader can announce the party’s support for anyone without arriving at any agreement on policies and programmes, but MLAs have no such freedom. Kumaraswamy government fell on the floor of the House and it became doubly sure after Speaker K
Apart from Kaur, Mandhana will return while all-rounder Deepti Sharma will debut for Western Storm."Yes (India women should play in Ashes-like format)."Kaur, who as a child knew that she will become an athlete, complimented ODI captain Raj, speedster Jhulan Goswami and former cricketer Anjum Chopra and said the three "make legends today"."2018 World Cup was something we all craved for because of the form and consistency that we built as a team for the last couple of months before the tournament. With the 2020 edition scheduled to take place in Australia, the India T20I captain said the team has improved and is hoping for the best going forward. But if the game runs in ones blood then it is difficult to look beyond.
"I am very excited for KSL. Mithali di has shown me how to be calm and patient on the field and take through the innings with a flow.Mithali Raj-less India was knocked out at the 2018 ICC Womens World T20 semi-final by eventual runners-up England.After getting whitewashed in the backyard of New Zealand, India returned to host England in February-March but Kaur was forced to miss the series as she sustained an ankle injury, paving the way for Smriti Mandhana to lead the T20I team in her absence.Having played under the leadership of three, she said, "Anjum di provided me with the support that a newcomer needs in the team.
I spent more time in my rehab. The latters match-winning 51 guided Supernovas beat Velocity by four wickets. I really enjoy the games."The break did give me the time to think and recover from my injury.For India T20I captain Harmanpreet Kaur, an attacking batswoman who aimed to emulate Virender Sehwag, thinking anything beyond cricket brings her back to the middle of the field. The fourth edition of the tournament will also see batswoman Jemimah Rodrigues playing for Yorkshire Diamonds in her maiden stint at China wholesale bathroom shower shelf the UK-based league."Powar mentioned about the need of having a mental-conditioning coach in his review of the 2018 World T20. We were very confident and motivated. With England and Australia competing in a multi-format Ashes series which include s one-off Test, she highlighted the need of having the longest format in India womens teams schedule. It was just a temporary phase and not anything permanent. And I wish them all the luck. Having a coach can be helpful. It was an all-new experience playing amongst the world-class players, learning the new drills and team bonding skills.BCCI, for the first time ever, conducted a separate conclave for women captains and coaches in May."Arjuna awardee Kaur has represented India in just two Tests in her decade-long career so far."A year later, in 2017, she signed with Lancashire Thunder for KSL. She played for Sydney Thunders and got the exposure that enhanced her training, fitness and overall game.The journey of a cricketer is seldom free of the thought of getting away from the sport for a while -- the reasons being better known to them for they are the ones who have actually lived in that moment.Following the long feud between Raj and Kaur, the two met at the Womens T20 Challenge final.
The tournament made an impact as it garnered the attention of 13000-plus locals who turned up for the final in Jaipur. I am very headstrong and cricket has been my passion and love of this lifetime," she remarked. Test matches can have a great impact on a players performance and level of understanding as a cricketer," she said. They will have a wonderful time. The controversy finally ended with the appointment of new head coach WV Raman. A number of captains expressed their desire to play multi-day cricket, a format on which the Indian cricket board is not focusing just yet as they want to follow the ICCs vision of promoting womens cricket through the limited-overs format.The tournament has the potential to bring about a change at the grassroots level as the India T20I captain noted, "WIPL has helped womens cricket is gaining popularity. So even if I am made to think anything it would just be somewhere in the middle of the field playing cricket," Kaur told ANI before leaving for the Womens Super League, also called KIA Super League, in the UK.Patiala: Life is bigger than sports as the latter is bound to end in an athletes life one day. It left the cricketing fraternity confused and triggered a war of words between Raj and former head coach Ramesh Powar. The head coach is one of the most experienced coaches and under his guidance we shall have plenty of opportunities to grow better..KSL will begin on August 6, with Thunder and Southern Vipers playing in the curtain-raiser at Aigburth, Liverpool."I have never made long term plans.Kaur became the first Indian to sign an overseas T20 contract -- Womens Big Bash League in 2016. Getting away from cricket for a while did cross my mind but it was not for good. She came out stronger and rediscovered her love for cricket before the start of the Womens T20 Challenge. Considering it necessary for the team, Kaur stressed, "We had a great time.
I am very happy for Jemi and Deepti who will be debuting (at) the KSL this season. But all that we learned from the experience is to do better and not get disheartened. Our team has improved and we are hoping the best from the 2020 World Cup," she said. If the tournament grows bigger in the coming years it will bring more opportunities for talented domestic level cricketers. The eight-wicket defeat resulted in fans blaming Kaur for dropping Raj. They both are extremely talented and will get more experience while they are there," Kaur signed off. Kaur suffered a blip in form during the three T20Is as she managed to score only 17, 5 and 2."India had a dedicated fitness and training camp under the supervision of coach Raman at NCA in June. She gave me the chances to showcase my talent whereas Jhulan di always gave me comfort as a friend to make decisions and improve. The Punjab-born, too, went through a period that now has made her sure of her potential following her time spent well at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bangalore.Recalling her experience, she said, "I was fortunate enough to sign a contract with WBBL in 2016. One odd day can change everything. When asked whether the team requires one, Kaur said, "Yes, I believe mental health is as important as the physical health.Kaur admitted that India was hungry for the 2018 World T20 title and cited the teams consistency built over months before the tournament.Thoughts of taking a break from the game crossed Kaurs mind, only to realise it was a temporary phase.India toured New Zealand as part of ICC Womens Championship in January this year
The ball play in Kandul Khel, a metaphor for ups and lows of life featured both dancers. The passion for Krishna epitomised in the Meera Bhajan in Rajasthani Maand "Mane Chakar Rakhoji" made so famous through late M. With the plain black backdrop, wisely replacing the over- ornate stage, crowding out the dance lines, Geeta Chandran presented vintage Bharatanatyam . Of the three forms featured, Kathak represented familiar territory with local practising dancers, Bharatanatyam a familiar name though rarely seen and Manipuri a totally unknown art. Pavana-mandala the Ram Bhajan had its main thrust in its portrayal of Hanuman’s deeds.After over 70 years of Independence, it was a maiden exposure for Shimla residents with the three-day classical dance festival mounted by the department of language and culture of the government of Himachal Pradesh.The packed hall responded enthusiastically to Kathak Guru Rajendra Kumar Gangani in crying form.R. Subramaniam , far from the very neatly set nritta/abhinaya structure, often presented by Geetha of the past, was an inspired rendition filled with the immediacy of manodharma, each statement in the composition eloquent in improvised abhinaya elaborations of the involved dancer.
In the Tulsidas Shivastuti presented by Bimbavati one saw a dancer with a firmness combined with her grace, very typical of her father late Bipin Singh’s Manipuri style, evocative of the tandav digniy of Shiva. The Historic Gaiety Theatre complex venue, a legacy of the second quarter of the 19th century, evoked images of old Shimla as the summer capital of British India. The latter’s Radhaswaroopvarnan, describing the beauty of Radha was a very graceful number. The dancer’s evolving understanding of interpretative dance was experienced in Katha, sans any instrumental support, with just ankle bells and gestures narrating a whole story of thunder, followed by gentle drizzle and then rains, the drenched earth filled with the joy of birds, animals and the peacock . In the Surdas Brij Bhasha Ramayana Suni suta ek katha kaho pyari narrated to child Krishna by Yashoda, struggling with a recalcitrant child’s refusal to switch off and sleep, the narration in the seated posture (as before a sleeping child) could have been less prolonged, for it tended to destroy the punch line when Sita being abducted by Ravana s sees child Krishna suddenly rise up asking for his bow and arrow - the sudden blending of consciousness of two avatars astonishing both mother and audience.
Altogether an exultant experience for those present! Among the local dancers showing great promise were Vishal Thakur, who would be well advised to curb obvious showmanship and Akshita Daiman, disciple of Ila Pandey who has a good foundation for growth. And as a performer he should show rather than try to become a nayika. Gangani’s teental presentation had choice segments rendered to the lehra musical refrain.The writer is an eminent dance critic. Krishna’s lotus eyed beauty, the devotee’s unshakeable faith in his merciful grace, the Lotus feet at which great sages paid obeisance (capped by powerful abhinaya narrating Vishnu’s Vamana Avataram ), and the divine flute play of the God (Rajat Prasanna’s dulcet flute interventions quite evocative) were unusually visualised through fertile creative imagination. As for the Jati teermanams, Shankar’s nattuvangam, the dance and the delightfully delicate tones of the mridangam by Manohar Balachandra (particularly in the arudi punctuations) made for a treat. Dinesh Gupta is expressive but his stance shows an inner rigidity he must shed. To encourage local China Grab bars factory talent, each evening’s curtain raiser comprised a brief Kathak recital by a resident dancer. Wisely chosen for Shimla with the Hanuman statue overlooking the city! The smaller audience next day warmed to Manipuri dancer Bimbavati Devi holding her own, despite ill health weeding out more ambitious items. Singer Pramila Devi defying a sore throat, still sang with conviction. Brajen Kumar Sinha the Pung artist, presented a solo Pung Cholom , the vibrancy of his simultaneous dancing while playing the percussion instrument, evoking warm applause. The format intelligently designed for a Hindi knowing audience had introductory thrust coming from compere Rajiv Chandran. The varnam centrepiece Vanaajaksha, a composition in Behag by late T.
S Vasudevan, himself a dancer and composer, kept pace with Geeta’s creative urgency. Pontha Jagoi and Nritya Ras in full Manipuri regalia, saw Bimbavati as Krishna dancing to her disciple Arpita Shaha as Radha. The inner repose, stillness and minimalism of the Panchakshara Stotram invocation, (with Vinod Gangani singing) portrayed the iconographic features of Shiva without restless movement gestures marring the quietude of prayer. The subtle rhythmic improvisations and the solfa syllabic passages woven in had Fateh Singh Gangani’s excellent tabla support.Subbalakshmi’s singing, saw the dancer and musicians immersed in Krishna adoration, eliciting thunderous audience applause. Right from her start with Gangai Muttu Nattuvanar’s composition of Chokkanathar Kavutvam set to music in Mohanam, Vasantha, Shahana, Shanmukhapriya and Madhyamavati, showing Shiva’s glory with all his accoutrements, bewitching Goddess Meenakshi in Madhurai, the dancer and her exceptionally gifted accompanists had announced a performance out of- the- ordinary. Fortunately for the dancer, the singing by vocalist Dr.S. The contrasting rhythmic tones emerging from Shiva’s Damaru, soft and thunderous, with the percussionist chiming in with his "bayan"/"dayan" play, Thata in its typical Jaipur gharana flavour, and the special Uthan were followed by the Ganesh Paran which was given an excellent prelude with Gaja Gamini, the gat, quite masterly given the balancing of dancer’s weight showing the swaying movements of the elephant’s gait
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